Friday, August 06, 2010

Sharing Some Good Reading....

Blogging has brought me into contact with several other Christian women who I really wish I could live near because it really comes through in their writing that they are what I would definitely call kindred spirits. Lisa at Lisa Writes is one such blog friend. She has written two posts recently that I really hope you'll take the time to read if you do not already know Lisa.

First of all this one is full of a mother's heart for her children and the fleeting nature of time. It made me cry.

And this one about Beth Moore where she voices very well, much better than I could have, some of the concerns I've felt for a while now also and how Jesus is Better. Amen.

Go, read......

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

No love like link love! ;-)

Thanks, friend. Kindred spirits most definitely...