Friday, December 31, 2010

Something New For the Blog

I just noticed a few days ago the new pages widget here on Blogger. I like it. I've added a few new pages at the top now that I can that I thought would make the blog more interesting, at least to me, anyhow. I added a page for keeping a list of the books I'm reading, in case anyone is interested. I know I like to know what other people are reading, and I often find good reading ideas that way, too. One caution, though, just because I have a book listed doesn't necessarily mean I'd recommend it. If curious, you can ask if it's a book I liked or not or if I feel comfortable recommending it.

Another thing I added up there is a page for scripture memorization. This is a discipline I want to practice better, and I'm hoping that by having a page dedicated to sharing what I'm working on maybe I'll stick to it better than I have recently. Leslie kindly alerted me to Tim Brister's Partnering to Remember project to encourage us to memorize the book of Philippians by Easter. I'm excited about it and I've got my notebook ready to start along with many others who will be working to hide this passage of God's word in our hearts in 2011. Maybe you'd like to consider joining, too?

Looking forward to what the new year holds. Happy New Year, everyone!

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