Saturday, January 05, 2008


The dough:

The dough has risen:

The loaves:

The finished product:

The verdict: I didn't let the starter ferment long enough, so we ended up with a very tasty bread that was lots of fun to knead and bake, but not quite sour enough to be good sourdough. I replenished the starter and am letting it sit a few more days and we'll try again. In the meantime, however, the bread is quite good, and my husband and kids liked it!


Lisa Hellier said...

Bravo! This bread is so yummy toasted and then drizzled with honey. Wow! I think I just gained a pound thinking about it.

Laura said...

Wow! I have to say that I am impressed. I tried to make (regular old plain) bread ONCE and that was enough to convince me that I am completely devoid of bread-making talent and much better off with the store bought kind =).