Thursday, January 10, 2008

Well, Alrighty Then

I made two more loaves of sourdough bread today. It is better this time. I also have a pot of pasta e fagioli soup simmering on the stove for tonight’s dinner. The house is smelling lovely, I must say.

My son asked me what I am making for dinner. I told him. Two boys exhibited less than enthusiastic stares. Soup is not a favorite of the Sweet Tea kids.

While supposed to be finishing homework, one son stole over to the stove and lifted the lid to investigate the delicious soup. This is his observation:

“Mom, when I lifted the lid on your soup, it looks like you made barf for dinner.”

Ya gotta have a thick skin, I’m thinking, stifling a giggle.

To the boy I said with a smile, “Thank you. Thank you very much. Just for that I’m giving you a double portion.”

And he said, “What? I just said what it would look like. I didn’t mean that’s what it would taste like!”

“It sounded kind of rude, that’s all,” I answered. “You know, for future reference, just because you have a thought doesn’t mean you automatically have to voice it.”

“Oh,” he said.

I decide not to come down too hard right now, but I sure hope we can teach him better manners in the next ten years or so. I have a feeling his future wife might not appreciate quite so much candor. :^)

“Yeah, well, you can have peanut butter and jelly if you really don’t like it,” I told him.

But trust me, they don’t know what they are missing. You should smell this house. Yum.


Lisa Spence said...

Oh, that sounds just like conversations we have here at our house! Every single day, I am asked "What are we having for supper?" (times four). And every single day I end up saying the following: "No one wants to hear what you don't like. You eat or don't eat but no one wants to know what you hate."

Except for my firstborn. He thinks I'm the greatest cook, like ever. God bless that kid.

Oh yeah, you can't talk about yummy soups and not share the recipe!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

That sounds amazing. I'm having hospital food for dinner, and truthfully, it's not that bad.

But homemade sourdough and pasta e fagioli soup?!? YUM!

By the way, I second Lisa. I'd love to hear the recipe for your soup. I've never found one I loved.

Julie Stiles Mills said...

"Barf for dinner" I LOVE that! In our family, the ONLY response is "No thank you." or "I don't care for that." I love "I don't care for that." My niece said that to her mom one Thanksgiving when she was offered a piece of pie I made. Very polite was of saying "ewwwww" if you ask me. As far as soup goes, my son like potato soup, topped with bacon crumbles and cheddar cheese. Now that's a manly soup.

Did you name your starter?

p.s. I posted a video of Anita Renfroe singing the Mom Overture at I completely forgot how funny it was until a reader reminded me. The Pachelbel Bedtime video is hilarious and tender both. A great dad. Check it out if you have time.

Rebekah said...

Lisa and Kelly - I'll try to post that recipe later today! I don't know what I was thinking by not sharing. :^)

Julie - Yes, our starter is called Leroy. I put a little note on my calendar for 10 days from the last time I bake to "feed Leroy." And, I agree, both of those videos are hilarious. I have seen them and laughed like crazy.

Julie Stiles Mills said...

Now see, that's a good idea. If I had only put a note in my calendar to feed Herman, he might still be alive today.