Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Checking In

Summer break seems to have sapped my blogging ability this year. I have a meme sitting on the back burner that I'll be getting to sometime (I haven't forgotten, Elle!) and I am trying to find the time to sit and think long enough to get back into the Excellent Wife discussion. I really want to post on last week's chapter, but just can't seem to get a moment to sit and work on it. I've been a silent reading group participant the past several weeks and I'm wanting to get back into posting again. Oh, and our computer monitor is dying a slow death, and that makes working at the computer....interesting. I'll be typing along and the screen will just go black and my train of thought derails as I smack the side of the screen to get it to come back to life again. So far that strategy is working, but I'm sure one of these days I will smack the screen and it will have finally blinked its last.

I seem to be going through another round of, "Should I just quit the blog?" I'm feeling kind of insecure again about my blogging. Besides that, I may have an idea for a post simmering all day, but when I finally get everyone settled for the night, my brain is just too tired to think about much of anything. Drew is still spending much of his time during the week away, and when he is home, it is hardly "excellent" of me to spend the few evenings we have together writing blog posts. I've had a running joke with Drew since I started reading The Excellent Wife that I'm really sorry he got a subpar wife instead of an excellent one. He informed me yesterday that in golf lingo, subpar is actually a good thing. He's such a good guy. So, then we started laughing that maybe what I meant to be saying was that I am sorry he got a "bogey" wife.

It was late. What can I say?

Seriously, though, I have found that I am thinking through a lot of what I'm reading in The Excellent Wife (despite my silence, I have been reading along), and I was thinking the other day how glad I am that I'm reading it because principles that we're studying do come to mind at very opportune times and I am glad for the reminders to apply what I'm learning, and I do very much want to apply those principles. So, hopefully I'll get to a post soon. Just letting you all know I haven't given up, and I'm hoping to get back to better blogging sometime.

And for now, I suppose I'm deciding to keep plugging along with the blog, and not get too antsy about not posting every day.


Spirit of Adoption said...

Oh Rebekah!!! Let go of any thoughts that you need to post daily!!! I think most of all the bloggers I read have slowed down over the summer - I know I have!!! You are doing what is MOST important, and that ministers to us all! : ) Just keep blogging when you can, honoring Him and your family in not blogging and blogging....His purpose prevails! : )

Anonymous said...

I agree with Shawnda!

Lisa Spence said...

Yeah, what Shawnda said.