Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Afternoon Thoughts on the Treasure of the Bible

I wanted to write this while I'm thinking of it, but it didn't really fit with the last post, so I just wrote a new post. I'll write this, then we really need to get ready to leave for dinner and church.

While waiting in car-line to pick up the boys, I was listening to Nancy Leigh DeMoss on the radio. She was talking about the great sacrifices that were made by the handful of men who worked to translate the Bible into the English of the common people and by those who possessed that Bible once it was translated. Many of them were burned as heretics by the "church." As I was listening to that, I thought about what I'd written a couple of days ago about how many of us don't take the time to read the Bible. How very, very sad. On so many fronts. First, and most importantly, it is God's Word. How gracious it is that He has preserved it so that we can glorify and know Him and His salvation through Jesus Christ. But also, when such great sacrifice has been made by men in the past just so we could read it, what a waste to let our many copies go unread and treated lightly. How sad that so many in the world even today do not have the privilege of owning or even seeing a Bible to read, and we treat it so lightly. What a lazy, self-indulgent, ignorant lot we are! We really have absolutely no excuse for not knowing the Bible. How many American Christians have 2 or even 3 copies of the Bible around the house that they just take for granted? "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48b

May we not take lightly the Word that God has so graciously given, and may we also not take lightly how high a cost our brothers in the past were willing to pay so that common people like ourselves would be able to read and know it, thereby knowing God. O, Lord, help me be teachable and willing to be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer. May I not become proud of the fact that I do read the Bible or of the knowledge I gain, but let me humbly live what You teach me each day.


Anonymous said...

Just two hours ago at dinner my kids and I were talking about how we have nine...NINE!...Bibles in our house while, in China, believers hide and share one page. How blessed we are to have the Word, and how foolish we are when we let it collect dust on a shelf.

Rebekah said...

I hear you! I was being generous on the 2 or 3 number - we have about 7, plus another several New Testaments. I felt guilty asking for a MacArthur study Bible for Christmas when I already had a good Bible.