Here are some more pictures that help explain why I'm just too tired to blog some days! Just kidding, sort of. The kids really seem to be enjoying the summer, and I'm glad they get along so well. Most of the kids in our neighborhood have two working parents, so none of the kids are out during the day. This means they are having to get creative about entertaining themselves, but it's also leading to too much togetherness at times and testy tempers. But over all, they are having a good summer. Perhaps I'll get back to real blogging sometime......

Boo loves her new baby pool. Check out her feet - baby crocs are just so cute!
Boo likes to help big brother J practice the piano.
The final attempt at a good picture with all three kids. I won't tell you how many attempts there were between the first one and this one!
Just catching up on your blog posts. I always love the way you state things both serious and fun. Have a great weekend.
Awww! That last one is sooo cute!!
These pictures are adorable. Love the baby pool. I need to find something similar for my 15 mo. old. Blessings to you. --Lynn
They are so cute. Looks like they keep you busy! Hope all is well with you. Love your former roomie!
Adorable! The first pic is an all too familiar one, especially when my boys were younger. Now we can threaten them within an inch of their life to "at least look at the camera!"
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