By the way, the heat index is reaching upwards of 100+ degrees these days around here. It is sweltering. We're having the kind of summer where you might as well not bother with much make-up in the morning - it just melts off anyway. We inflated two wading pools out back, which, along with the water sprinklers, are a mighty nice way for the kids to cool off this summer. (Plus, there's the added benefit that it gives the boys something they can do outside in this heat when they get too rowdy inside, and they almost never fight when they are playing in the water outside. Nice.) I'm thinking I'll be going to WalMart soon to look for some more water fun toys for the yard.
I'm really hoping to get back to more substantial blogging sometime soon. Still slumping a little, but I'm starting to feel better, finally. At least the boys are keeping me laughing!
That is definitely worth a few giggles. Too cute!
They are very cute! I love the mask in the sprinkler. He's not the only one. when I was little we used to play in the srinklers all the time and I have done the very same thing!
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