Lisa has so kindly named me a Rockin’ Girl Blogger. Seeing as we’ve had VBS at our church in the evenings and at another church in the mornings all week, my coherent blogging skills seem to have taken a nap. Even though I decided not to teach VBS this year since ours doesn’t end until 8:30 pm, and getting home at 9pm every night was just too much for Boo and me at this stage of her babyhood because my own need for sanity during the day is greatly helped along by a baby who is not miserable due to lack of sleep, I’m still exhausted just from taxiing the boys around to their various VBS events and piano lessons and library day, etc. Not to mention the heat. And the humidity. It’s like walking into a sauna every time we step outside, and I can feel my brain melting. Or that could just be the summer cold I’ve managed to pick up somewhere along the way which is sapping all my energy. Also, considering the fact that I don’t think I’ve ever been considered “cool” by anyone in my whole life, certainly not by my children at this point in time, this is a fun award for sure. So, with the understanding that my coherent blogging skills are napping, I just typed Blooger before I caught it and corrected it. Maybe I should have left the typo. Blooging might be a better word for what I do some days than blogging is. Blooging: less than coherent blogging or blogging while one’s brain is melting :^) Am I a Rockin’ Girl Blooger? Rockin’ as in I use my rocking chair, perhaps?
Anyway, thank you, Lisa, my kindred spirit blogging friend, for the kind words! Now I get to share the love. There are just so many that I think qualify for this prestigious honor, but, ya'll, I'm plum tired and I'll just name two for today:
One person I am very glad to know is my former college roomie, Heather. I started reading her blog way back a while ago, and after reading her thoughtful posts and enjoying keeping up with her and her lovely family through reading it, I thought and thought and thought about whether I would ever want to venture out into the blog waters. And here I am. Heather is the one college friend I’ve managed to keep up with through the years, and I’m so glad we have. I remember that hot, humid summer during the middle of our Gator days when we learned that we had not made the dorm lottery and would be forced to move off-campus into an apartment. We went shopping for some things we’d need for the apartment, and, my-oh-my did we buy a lot of cleaning supplies. That woman can clean, I tell you! Especially when the alternative is studying for finals. She taught me the benefits of stress cleaning, which I still reap today.
The other person I want to mention is Leslie at Lux Venit. She is a thoughtful, interesting and encouraging writer. I met Leslie through Sola Moms, and I’ve really enjoyed reading her thoughts over at her blog. Many of her posts are very thought-provoking, and I’ve appreciated so much her willingness to dig deep and base her convictions on scripture, not on feelings or just on someone else’s word or other shaky ground. She also ran a very nice series recently on blogging (almost said blooging again, but that wouldn't fit her blog) etiquette from a woman’s perspective that was quite informative and helpful.
And now Boo is napping, the air conditioner is working, and I think I'm going to go take a nap. Perhaps then my blogging skills will awaken and we can get back to blogging some coherent thoughts.
You are most definitely "cool" in my book!
Thanks for the atta-girl...I happen to have know you "rocked" for a long time~
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