Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yes, The Other Post is Gone

Some posts are really better left to sit in a draft folder and slept on before posting. Yesterday's post is one of those, and that's why it is gone.

In my ongoing angst over blogging, I may need to rethink what the purpose of my blogging is or needs to be. I think I need to put an end to my public ranting about things that I find difficult at my church. I view my blog as a sort of journal, but sometimes I forget how public this venue is.

I am fairly certain that some of the posts I've written would make me feel pretty uncomfortable if people I know in real life here in town were reading, so I probably shouldn't write them. It's easy to forget that when blogging I'm not just writing for myself, and that's a dangerous thing to forget. So, I'm going to start using my good ol' trusty notebook with old-fashioned pen and paper to set out those more personal rants and stop the blog ranting on certain issues.

It's really easy to sit behind the keyboard and spout out my opinions, but what I really need to be doing is, as I've said before, praying more and complaining less, and putting feet to the things I know I need to be doing.

It also very well may be time to take a blogging break for a while. I find that I spend far too much time thinking about what to blog, reading other blogs and writing my own. It is starting to eat into time better spent with my kids and doing other things. Once again, I find that balance is needed. I tend to feel a totally self-imposed pressure to post something every day. Why? It's my blog, I should just post when I have something I want to say or feel like sharing. And I don't need to be sharing quite as much as that last post did. So, I think I'll take a day or two and decide how I want to continue with this blog thing. I also need a day or two to get some things done in my "real life" like organizing the play room and the boys' bedroom (again!) and getting ready for the new women's Bible study that starts tomorrow. Then, maybe, I'll get back to the blog. Unless something extremely bloggable happens before then that I just have to write about.


Lisa Spence said...

Hi friend...Know I will be praying for you, for direction and balance, for clarity and purpose. I appreciate your determination to follow God even in your blogging!

Janelle said...

There is wisdom in your words. I have been reading yours for months and love reading what's on your heart. I hope you find that balance and continue to post. Women who love the Lord and their family are needed out here in cyberspace. Anyway, thanks for your wisdom. I, too, have neglected many an area in my home because of this hobby.

Lisa Hellier said...

Rebekah, there really is a tension between writing our thoughts coherently, with articulation but without rant, especially when we're particularly impassioned about an event or idea or thing. I ditto Lisa's prayers--knowing that God will work in you His will to glorify Him.

Kim said...

I've been in a situation where things at my church were bad. In fact, many of the situations that I found difficult still exist. It is I who have changed and am better with them. You will find that place too, I am sure.

You have a lot of wisdom. If you take a break, don't forget to come back!

Rebekah said...

Lisa, Janelle, Elle, and Kim,
Thanks for the encouraging words! Maybe I'll just take a slow-down rather than an actual break.

Kim, I do think I'm getting to that point. I definitely need to work on my own attitude and am praying for wisdom and grace to repent where I've harbored and nourished the discontent. Thank you for that encouragement, too.