Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rebekah Sweet Tea's Practical Mom's Dictionary, Installment #1

1. Waiting for sourdough starter.
2. Waiting for sourdough bread to rise – ever so slow.
3. Baking cookies with a 9-year-old and avoiding the temptation to micromanage.
4. Walking down the hall of the school with a 21-month-old who wants to touch every single decoration on the walls – there are LOTS of them to touch.
5. Calmly putting a screaming 21-month-old into a car seat she adamantly does not want to be in at the moment.
6. Not having your head explode when either of the boys gets a hold of a kazoo and proceeds to serenade you with it. Over. And. Over. And. Over. Repeatedly. For a long time.
7. Laughing at a joke you’ve heard thousands of times before which wasn’t funny the first time.
8. Listening to one more discussion of any LEGO product without banging your head against the wall.
I am sure there will be additions to this particular definition, but these are what came to mind right now.

Shock and Awe (Boo style): Caution this one is definitely TMI and not for the faint of heart or queasy of stomach……Combine one 21-month-old with a sinus infection and nasty green stuff copiously flowing from her nose at any given moment throughout the day and a hefty dose of Augmentin to combat said infection (known side effect can be slight diarrhea) with several sippy cups worth of watered down fruit juice and a distracted mommy who forgot to check the baby's diaper once too often this morning, and, well, it was something to behold. It was one of those moments when I prayed for an iron-clad stomach (seriously), stripped off the baby clothes and promptly plopped her into the bathtub in the middle of the day. My word. Note to self: Check that diaper often.

Disappointment: Missing seeing Tic Tac make his very first basket during a game last Saturday. This is his first year playing and he’s the youngest one on his basketball team and this is a huge deal for him. I don’t regret that I went to the conference on Saturday, but I do wish I could have seen his big moment. Drew said the whole crowd was cheering for him.

Heartmelting: Seeing the pride in Tic Tac’s shining eyes as he told me about his basket and the fact that the team won by two points that day. I gave him a huge hug, you better believe it.

Exciting: The needle on the scale moving 2 pounds to the left. You have no idea how exciting this is after having plateaued for a really long time now. I had to step off and then back on the scale like 5 times this morning before I really believed it. Of course, baking cookies with Monk tonight was probably not the smartest way to celebrate......I refrained from enjoying them too much, though. That little needle nudge was way more exciting than chocolate chip cookies tonight for me.

Might as well laugh: I accidentally left the laundry room door open this morning. Boo found the box of dog treats that lives on top of the dryer. Before I knew what she was up to, I heard her chattering away at Oliver and giggling. When I went to check, she had half the box of bones spread around her and Oliver was loving life. He thinks Boo joined our family just to feed him good stuff. I had to hurry up and collect the treats and the box before Oliver ate them all. All the while thinking to myself, "This is why you need a sense of humor to be mom...." I tell you what, that child keeps me on my toes.

That's it for now. I’m sure I’ll come up with more later. That was fun.

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

Oh, I love it! Many belong in my own dictionary of experiences!