Monday, October 15, 2007

Strike Three, But We're Really Okay

You know, I’m not a real big fan of huge birthday parties, anyway. But, for crying out loud, we’ve tried for three years in a row to let our oldest son invite some friends over and celebrate with him, and for the third year in a row no one came. Granted, he only invited a few friends, but not one came. And, do people just not RSVP anymore? Only one mom called the day before the party to tell us they were planning to come. Then her son woke up sick the morning of and it was strep throat, so she had to call me back to tell me he couldn’t come. No one else called. That’s frustrating because you never know if you should go ahead and prepare like they are coming but assume they aren’t or what because the kids had been telling J all week they were coming. But I kept warning him that I hadn’t heard from any of the parents, so I wasn’t real hopeful, sad to say. Turns out my gut was right.

Anyway, J had a great attitude about it all and doesn’t seem too upset, but it bothers me. J and M enjoyed the scavenger hunt with the cute poem riddle clues that were so fun to write. Uncle M and Gram and Grandad were here so we had pizza and cake with them and I mowed the yard (our riding mower is fixed!).

We go to a very small church and there are no boys J’s age there that he could invite over so he had asked friends from school whose parents don’t know us, and I imagine that’s why the low (non) turnout, but it’s sad, anyway. One of my biggest frustrations about living here is how very hard it has been to make friends here. We have been here for four years and tried to be involved, but I still feel very lonely, and it makes it hard when your kids are experiencing it, too. I am extremely thankful for an answered prayer, however. I had been praying that J would be strong enough not to be too disappointed and heartbroken if this happened, and he had such a good attitude all day. Along those lines somewhat, there is something we are praying about, by the way, that I do not feel ready to blog about, so if you read this and feel inclined to pray for us and some decisions we need to make, I would be grateful.

So, the boys had fun in spite of it not being the birthday bash we had planned. It’s a good thing they are close. Having a brother has it’s advantages, right, J?

J with the one guest who will always RSVP - his very supportive little brother, M

Blowing out the candles

Oh, yes, and don't forget the other little mandatory party guest who absolutely loved "helping" me bake the birthday cake - she had those oven mitts on her hands but got them off before I could snap the picture.

1 comment:

Heather said...

You are SO right about the RSVP thing...people are so rude! We invited close to 30 kids for R's party...and had decent, but not overwhelming turnout...that very few actually TOLD me they were coming.

His attitude was a blessing. Glad it was a fun birthday anyway.