Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thoughtful Blogging

Neato-mosquito! Kate at Just Another Day in Paradise has nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award. Thank you, Kate!

Now I get to nominate some other bloggers that make me think – problem is, a lot of the bloggers that make me think also make lots of other people think, so they’ve already been nominated, but here are a few I really like, though it’s not an exhaustive list by any means:

1. Jules at Everyday Mommy has a wonderful blog where she shares mommy thoughts, recipes, interesting posts, and she also often asks questions that make me think and search the Scriptures. Good reading!

2. Rabbit at The Hutch also makes me think, and sometimes laugh, too, quite often and I’ve enjoyed reading her blog over the past several months.

3. Elle at A Complete Thought has very complete thoughts that are very thought-provoking.

4. Connie at Practicing Theology writes to help women learn doctrine and to know why they believe what they believe, and I’ve been appreciating her writing for a while now.

5. Lisa at Lisa Writes is someone who writes the kinds of things I have been thinking myself, and I really enjoy reading the way she says them!

I also find much food for thought over at Following Judah’s Lion, Pyromaniacs and Biblical Christianity, though I’m pretty sure those bloggers are not into the meme thing, but they are definitely good reading and often very thought-provoking writing, so I thought this would be a good place to mention that.

If I've linked you and you've already been nominated, wonderful! Just goes to show that lots of us like how you think and are thankful that you share your thoughts. If I've linked you here and you want to participate, here’s how it works:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote. (Displayed at the top of this post.)


Kim said...

These are all wonderful choices! It was hard for me to narrow it down! All of these make me think,too!


Connie said...

Thank you so much for this very kind honor! As much as I desire to encourage others to wrestle with and embrace sound theology, blogging has certainly given ME plenty of "wrestling" exercise!

You were among the first to comment at my blog in the early days--I greatly appreciated your encouragement!

Lisa Spence said...

Me, a thinking a blogger? I think you think the thoughts I think but say them so very well! :-) Thanks for thinking of me!

Anonymous said...

Well, lookie there. Thank you so, so much! :)

4given said...

I have added you to my blogroll and look forward to reading your blog. It is God-honoring.