Tuesday, August 04, 2009

A Good Opportunity

I get to substitute teach in my 4th grade son's Sunday School class this weekend. I'm excited about it. After reading that book, Already Gone, that I blogged about earlier, I have a better focus for how to approach the lesson I've been given to teach. I got the outline written today, just need to get some ink for the printer so I can print it out (story of my life, we never seem to have ink when I really need it). I just gave Joshua a little overview of what the lesson will be Sunday, and he seemed to respond well.

I'm praying I can do a good job. I'm more used to talking to adults, so I hope I don't go over the kids' heads too much. I'm also a little nervous because the lesson really covers quite a bit and my outline seems rather long. I hope I don't go too long for them to be able to hear what they need to. But I'm really excited about this opportunity. I very much want to be available to serve. I very much want God to be pleased with what happens in our little class this Sunday. I am very surprised at how much I want to do this. Pray for me?

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