Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Take My Life

At choir practice tonight we were rehearsing an arrangement of the hymn, "Take My Life." The last verse ends, "Make my life useful to Thee." Our choir director made the observation that far too often we live like the words are, "Make my life useful to me."


I was also listening to John MacArthur the other day talking about wood, hay, and stubble versus gold, silver and precious stones. He was saying that the wood, hay, and stubble of our lives that will be burned up aren't necessarily bad things, they're just meaningless things, in terms of advancing the Kingdom. I got to thinking about how much of my day is spent in pursuit of meaningless things. Not just that they are part of my life, but that I actively pursue them in a way that I don't pursue a deeper devotion to Jesus as much as I want to. How much time I waste. Not a comfortable thought. I don't want to waste my life. I don't want to only be useful to me. I want to be useful to the Kingdom.

So, I thought what our choir director said tonight was quite interesting. May I do more than just think about it.

1 comment:

Lisa Spence said...

I too have been under conviction about how much time I waste or use ineffectively and selfishly. I want to be wise, redeeming the time!