Tuesday, August 07, 2007

As the Heat Wave Continues and the South Swelters...

I’m sure my little weather updates are boring as all get out to you, my kind and friendly readers. But, ya’ll, it is 102 degrees in the sun today. I don’t know what the heat index is, 150 degrees maybe? :^) We’ve lived here 3 ½ years, and it took my in-laws moving here to learn one of the best kept secrets in town. My father-in-law, especially, is quite good at finding out these kinds of things. There is a county-owned, indoor swimming pool behind the high school. It is the pool the high school swim team uses to practice, but the important thing about it is that it is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC daily. For $30/month I bought a family pass today and Boo and the boys and I spent the afternoon in this very clean, not very crowded, very large swimming pool. Cool. Literally.

Gram and Grandad surprised us and showed up, too, and also offered to take the boys home with them to spend the night. So, when Boo got cranky for need of a nap, I left with her and swung through Sonic for a large sweet tea. Did you know that Sonic has half price drinks from 2pm to 4pm? Sweet. Literally.

Perhaps, since the boys are otherwise occupied this afternoon, I will be able to get in a serious post in a little while. Those may be a little sporadic for a couple more weeks until school starts. Now that we’ve learned the little secret of the very large pool, we’ll be spending many afternoons there, I’m sure.

By the way, Carla has a really good post up today about unplugging. I especially like the comments she makes about how young people in general almost can’t stand to not have noise. I noticed once when I was outside during the middle of the day that, for once, for just a moment, I couldn’t hear any human invention type noise – no motors, no radios, no cars, just the bugs and the quiet. It was really nice until the neighbors who can’t be outside without music going cranked up their radio. I have gotten to where I climb the walls if music or TV is on too long around the house. Sometimes quiet is just nice. But our kids are so used to music, video games, noisy toys, and all the electronic gadgets, even from early on that silence is almost threatening to some. My kids hardly even know how to play outside like we used to. And it doesn’t help that none of the other neighborhood kids are out, either. Anyway, it’s an interesting post.


Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Oh, that heat sounds just miserable. For some reason, central Texas is still being blessed with highs only in the mid-90s. It'll be our turn soon, I'm sure!

That pool sounds like a delight. What a find! And Sonic sweet tea . . . mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Lisa Bolling said...

Here in East Tennessee we are having a heat wave also. The worst part is that our kids are back in school - poor little guys.
Kudos on the pool - what a find! Enjoy it!
I've noticed that kids don't play outside like we did - isn't it sad? We live on a farm, so every afternoon when my husband comes home he takes our son out to do something on the farm. We are trying very hard to include the great outdoors in his day to day routines.

Mayhem And Miracles said...

That was so cute...the "sweet" and "cool - literally." You're precious. So glad you found the pool for respite from the heat. We just found an unknown little community pool too after our pump died and our water turned green. And I agree. I have complained for so long that the safety of our kids has unfortunatley impeded their ability to frolic around in nature. So sad. But God is still good, what with free babysitting and sweet tea and all. :)

This is no joke - my word verification for this comment is "APLUS." Must be talking about your writing. WINK

Totallyscrappy said...

It continues to be hot over here in South Carolina! I hope you get lots of opportunities to use the pool. Cool!
And thanks for that Sonic (half price drinks) tip!