Monday, August 06, 2007

Random, Non-Important Monday Musings

Two different people stumbled across my blog the other day by searching for “how to make sweat tea.” Eww. Gross. I think “sweet tea” was probably meant, but, just, ewww……

(By the way, the key to good sweet tea is to put in the sugar (how much depends on taste, whether you just want it sweet or downright Southern-style syrupy) while the tea is still hot, stir well to dissolve the sugar, then chill it. Just in case anyone is interested.)

And on to other random musings of the day:

You can tell you are a mom of boys when your normally queasy stomach has become much more ironclad in what you can handle during a lunchtime conversation.

Note: if you’re one of the more queasy-stomached (i.e. not a mother of sons), you probably will want to stop reading now.

Anyway, while eating reheated leftover lasagna for lunch today, J had a fly die and land on his plate. We’ve had a time keeping our home housefly free this summer, and every time I kill one, two more fly in the minute we open a door. So, this fly just up and landed, dead, on his plate. Gross.

But not as gross as the discussion that followed. J went on and on and on about maggots, and how they grow to be flies and how in a book we once read about a boy in the 1700’s and his experience on a sailing vessel and a man who took a bullet to his leg and developed gangrene and maggots infested it and finally they had to amputate. Yes, I did read that book to them, and it was interesting and led to a fascinating discussion about modern medicine versus the 1700’s and the wonderful development of antibiotics. But I really had to end the discussion as I looked at the lasagna growing colder and colder on my plate because I couldn’t eat it and talk about maggots and gangrene at the same time. And, unfortunately, when J gets excited about a topic, he has a hard time letting it go, so, suffice it to say, I’m sticking to the diet today, no problem.

And that’s my Monday so far. Maybe we’ll get to go to the park after Boo finishes her nap. These kids need to go outside and run around a while.


Lisa Hellier said...

Ewww gross, indeed. My boys would be thrilled with the discussion. They'd even draw pictures and write stories about it. Yes, gross is inevitable to the moms of boys.

Kim said...

Someone came to my blog today by looking for "revenge on a sibling." I was kind of taken aback by that one.

Megan@SortaCrunchy said...

Now THAT sounds like quite the way to start the week. Yummy!

And if anyone is interested, I have a great recipe for the really syrupy kind of sweet tea. :D

g said...

if you’re one of the more queasy-stomached (i.e. not a mother of sons), you probably will want to stop reading now.

HILARIOUS!!! I have 4 sons and a husband that talks about medical procedures at dinner.

Lisa (Jon's wife at Deo Volente)