Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Bad Poem

(My apologies to Dr. Seuss.....)

I am Mom.
Mom I am.
This Mom I am
This Mom I am
Such a job is Mom, yes, ma'am.

I love my job is what I say,
But please don’t notice my floors today.
There’s crushed up ‘Goldfish’
My feet have trod upon,
The remnants of Boo’s snacking dish.
She tossed them to our dog at dawn.

And please excuse our laundry mountain.
The basket flows over like a fountain.
Most got folded after lunch,
But still is left quite a bunch.

And if by chance you glimpse the playroom,
Please kindly avert your gaze from that gloom.
I’ve tried to keep it organized and neat,
But Mommy neatnik can’t quite compete
With pack rats and human tornadoes
(And, counting Daddy, we have four of those).

This afternoon when after school
We tackled homework, snack and drool
(The baby’s teething, please understand),
Son One had minor meltdown when assignment didn’t go as planned.
I talked him through it finally,
And Son One’s homework ended happily.
But only after learning this lesson:
When frustrated and angry, he needs a small break from the session.

Son Two was whisked off to practice football
By husband who hurried home to answer the call.
Then off to church for dinner we flew
And now all are home – Mom, Dad, boys and little Boo.
The kids are in bed and starting to sleep.
I don’t even hear one single peep.
The lunches are made for tomorrow’s enjoyment.
Did I mention I love my Mommy employment?

Though my house may not be as neat as a showplace,
It’s livable, comfortable, clean and there’s no place
I’d rather be than right here where I am
Being mom to these kids and wife to their Dad.
We’ll have plenty of time once these little people are grown
And the house is all quiet for the nest they have flown
For the house to be perfectly tidy and neat.
For now I’ll try to remember to greet
Each morning as one more fleeting moment I’m given
To hug them and love them and try not to be so driven
And thank God for the roles He’s allowed me to be.
What a blessing it is to be wife and mommy.


Anonymous said...

What fun to read!

Anonymous said...

What a cute way to express your wonderful attitude! Thank you!

Merci said...

That's adorable!

Laura said...

Thanks for the reminder! I'm turning off my computer right now to do a little munchkin cuddling!

Anonymous said...

Good job on the poem!