Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Blogger by Any Other Name.....

A meme! Just the thing to postpone blog apathy, blogger’s block (as in writer’s block), blog slump or whatever it is that is threateningly looming over my blog horizon and is making coming up with a coherent post rather difficult. So, thank you, Elle at A Complete Thought, for something bloggable today, and thank you, too, for giving the green light to the word bloggable.

Well, I am to post these rules before starting, so here they are:


1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.

2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.

3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.

4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

My middle name is Elizabeth. Hmmm…relevant facts, a rather long name and a brain that is melting into mush in the heat and humidity that have settled over our area like, well, like some kind of steamy and oppressive wall of invisible cloud of barely breathable water/air. By the way, my Yahoo mail apparently has forgotten where I live because it is giving me a “local” temperature of 61 degrees today. Maybe if I stuck my head in the freezer for a few minutes it might feel that cool today, but it’s definitely much, much hotter than that here this morning.

Anyway, on with the meme. How to come up with relevant, yet interesting facts for the letters in Elizabeth…..

E…Elated and exhausted were just two of the many, many emotions I experienced at the birth of each of our three children.

L…Learning to like living in the Low Country, or the Slow Country as I’ve been known to call it on occasion.

I…Ice cream is one of my favorite things…mint chocolate chip, pistachio, or vanilla with caramel sauce being just some of my favorite flavors.

Z…”Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah” is a song that often gets stuck in my head. I don’t know why, but it really does.

A…Amazed by God’s grace. Truly, there are no words to fully express how awesome He is and how very undeserving I am. There are not enough words to sing His praise.

B…Blogging has become a fun past time, needed outlet for thoughts, and sometimes a little too time consuming. I can’t tell you how often I think about quitting when I realize I’ve let it take up too much time or when I fear I’ve run out of things to say or, on the other hand, when I find I've said too much.

E…Elephantine is the size my thighs will be if I don’t spend less time sitting at the computer and more time exercising. I have done fairly well at changing my eating habits, but I need to find a way to fit in more exercise.

T…Thinking is something I sometimes do too much of. And sometimes I wish I would think a little more before opening my big, fat mouth. Sometimes I talk too much. (Talk starts with ‘T’ also.)

H…Hungry is what I am. It is time to finish this and go have my little salad and hummus (another ‘H’ word!) for lunch.

Thanks, Elle, for the tag. This was fun! I do not think I can come up with 8 people to tag for this! (I didn’t count the ‘E’ twice or it would be nine!!) I’m wimping out on rule #4 and saying this: If you read this post and want to play along, please do! Leave me a comment so I’ll know you joined in the fun.

1 comment:

Lisa Hellier said...

Thanks for playing! I'm a Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah singer too. It was one of my favorite Disney songs as a child, I've sung it to all of my babies, and so it sticks in my head. What a fun fact to have in common.