Friday, February 22, 2008

LOST Gloat

Kindly just move on along if you don't like LOST.

I know, I know, it's just a silly TV show. But I like it. And I just have to gloat. I actually guessed a plot twist before it happened. I totally guessed that Kate would somehow take baby Aaron. And I said it out loud when Claire and Kate were hanging clothes on the line and Kate didn't want to pick him up when Claire asked her to, so I have proof - just ask my husband.

As to how and why she ends up having the baby with her and where in the world Claire is or why she would ever be parted from him, I have no clue. And as to all the other quadrillion questions I have - like, how does Sayid end up working for Ben?????? and what happened to everyone else and why is Jack lying???, again, no clue. But I got one right. Score: 1 for me, a billion, gazillion shocking plot twists for the LOST writers.

I am really hoping this ends happy. It isn't looking like it, is it? I'm at least hoping all the ends will be neatly tied up and it will at least make sense in the end. In other words - I hope it's a satisfying ending, even if it isn't happy. I told my husband last night that if this were a book I would just stay up all night so I could finish it already! You can only stand the suspense so long. Which is what makes that show so interesting. And I really do not intend to start blogging about LOST every week.

Just had to share, is all.


Lisa Spence said...

We're Losties too! Score one for you!

I also posted a comment over at The Preacher's Wife earlier today...

Did you catch that Jack testified that 8 survived the crash? And Kate said he'd told the story so many times he sounded almost like he believed it? There's some kind of cover up with the Oceanic 6...what kind of deal did they cut to get off the island? Remember Hurley asked Jack if he'd told anyone? Told them what? And maybe Jack doesn't want to see Aaron because he will be reminded of those they left behind? And maybe that's why he tells Kate they have to go back? The Oceanic 6 are all miserable, that's for sure.

I think maybe it's Sayid in that casket, and everyone's mad at him for working for Ben and that's why no one came to the funeral. I guess we'll have to wait to see how Ben got such power over him?

I think the show is back to as good as it was the first season! Can't wait til next week!

Rebekah said...

But who are they covering for? Oh, I hope it's not Sayid in the casket! Maybe it's BEN.

We were thinking maybe there was only room for the 6 to go back and Claire sends Aaron rather than have him stay and Jack feels guilty that he went home instead of Claire so that's why he won't see Aaron??

My sneaking suspicion, which will be really disappointing if true, is that this is all some grand delusion of Hurley's and it's all in his mind, not real at all.

Did you catch that the weird guy from the boat is hoping to be getting better somehow - when they played cards? Maybe they think the island has healing powers, too.

So many questions!

Anyway, I agree, the show is back to first season type goodness.

Carla Rolfe said...

Oh I had to laugh when I read this. Then I had to read it outloud to my husband, to whom I said last night:

"ohhhhhh, she took Claire's baby!!" (it's so funny how we talk to the tv shows like it even matters, lol).

Then we tallied up the 'Oceanic 6' that we know for sure have survived. Jack, Kate, Hurley, Aaron, Sayid. That's only five, and Jack said 8 on the stand??? Hmmm. (Clearly they all agreed to tell the same story when they got back, but why... is the real question!)

I love plot twists like this and I too would be up all night to finish it, if it were a book!