Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Must See

Drew and I went to see this movie this afternoon:

I highly recommend this movie. My husband passed me a tissue when I began crying during part of it. We are planning to buy the video once it's available and will be showing it to our kids when they are just a little older. I think everyone needs to see this.
Because the boys are so interested in science, Drew and I had already been looking at some things we could use at home to bulk up their science education from a worldview perspective that does not bow to the Darwinist propaganda that has a stronghold on everything from most museums to secular education and to help them to develop a biblical worldview and to have the tools to think through some of the issues that will come up as they go through school. We are even more convinced we need to be proactive on this now, though we were already convinced before. In fact, we've found a science curriculum we're going to use with them at home this summer and throughout the school year that I'm very excited about. I'll try to blog more about it once we find out more about it.
In the meantime, if you get the chance, I really highly recommend seeing this movie.
Updated 5/2/08: I wanted to add this thought: The interesting thing about most of the people Ben Stein talked to in the movie was that most of them were not pushing for the scientific establishment to accept Intelligent Design, they were just asking for the freedom to explore the questions. After all, every kid who does a science fair project learns about the scientific method and asking questions then exploring the evidence. That's all these people were asking for was the freedom to ask certain questions and research them. What was exposed in the movie was the lockstep kind of mentality that if one even questions Natural Selection and the Darwinist model or even mentions Intelligent Design they've committed what one person in the movie called a "scientific sin." It's the suppression of freedom to explore other options that is so concerning. Seems to me if Darwinism were such a solid theory people would welcome the questioning - if something is true it should stand up under scrutiny, right? One man in the movie nailed the issue when he said that it is a battle of worldviews. That's exactly what it is. And it's important that people be aware of it. It was very interesting to see how the end results of Darwinist thinking were developed in the movie and where that worldview can lead.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thanks for the review. Hubby and I are going to see it this week--very excited.